Minutes 19 March 2019

Minutes of Edlington with Wispington Parish Meeting

19th March 2019 7.30p.m.


Present:  Mark Cousins David Birks, Kathie Birks, Stuart Scarfe, Sally Scarfe, Liz Rivers, Jane Major, Bridget Bourn, Rowan Atkins, Susan Riddel, Jacky Hutchinson, Ian Willoughby .

Also PCSO Nigel Wass and Jacqueline Barnsley from Lincolnshire Police.


Once again no one was present from Wispington, but KB thought she knew someone who would be interested for the future and would obtain contact details.


  • The Chairman opened the meeting and gave a brief outline of the rules for a Parish meeting, welcomed the Police officers and handed out copies of the agenda.


  • Minutes of the last meeting were approved.


  • Precept

The Chairman drew attention to the reference to the precept on the latest Council Tax bill, which is Nil. There is still the option for a precept, but we can only spend the money on limited items which are not relevant and examples were given. The audit company PKF had demanded a return and as one had not been submitted had tried to charge the Meeting £40.This had been sorted out, however, and no charge was made.


  • Tree Preservation Order – Edlington.

A map showing the relevant trees had been placed on the notice board outside the church indicating the deadline for any objections to the work being carried out. Although one of the trees was most definitely in need of felling, the Chairman felt that some of the trees did not need such drastic action and had put in a note to the Highways Department that any work on these trees would need to be done before or after the bird nesting season. JH pointed out that the tree near to her (reference above that needed felling) should be attended to straight away due to its dangerous condition. This was agreed by everyone. She stated that someone had been to look at it some six weeks ago and stated a special saw was required and it would be put on report. It was not known how long this would take and she was very worried about it. More branches had fallen in the recent gales and there was concern for people who park in the gateway beside it and are not aware of its dangerous condition. DB said he had also seen someone inspecting the trees and apparently was unable to locate one of them! He was also of the understanding that there was a bees’ nest in one of the trees, but did not know which one.


  • Roads

The Chairman referenced the top dressing that had been undertaken on the road through Edlington and remarked it would have been more effective if the potholes had been filled in first. Everyone was aware that the chippings had come off quickly and he had made two requests for an extra sweeping of the chippings which was eventually undertaken. However, a total resurfacing of the road was really required, with particular attention at Woodbeck Farm.


  • Speed restriction request

There were now two ‘slow’ signs on the road. The Chairman had today contacted the Highways Department regarding speed restriction and ‘please drive carefully through our village’ signs. Currently the speed limit through the village is 60mph! The procedure for ‘Traffic Regulation Order’ goes through the Town Council to the County Council. The relevant Councillor in both cases is Bill Aaron and the Chairman has therefore contacted him for support.


  • HGVs

There was still a problem with HGVs travelling through the village to access Woodbeck Farm and ignoring the weight restrictions. There had been two incidents on Sunday morning which had been reported to, and dealt with by, the police who had spoken to the hauliers concerned. IW took a note of the names of the hauliers concerned in order to mention the incidents to Beeswax. The Chairman confirmed that he had made several reports in the past to Ben Wills about the problem, who had passed details on to the farm manager. However, some hauliers still continue to ignore the restrictions.

LR said she had spoken to a driver recently and had taken a photo of his vehicle.


KB queried if, since Beeswax had recently made improvements to the entrance to Woodbeck Farm if the sign on the yard instructing vehicles to turn left out of the yard was still there and DB confirmed it was. Even so they are still turning right and driving out through the village.

The meeting was advised to report any future incidents to the Police or the Chairman.


  • Broadband

The Chairman reported on a communication he had received from Steve Brooks the Lincolnshire Broadband Programme Manager which stated that there were no current plans for our postcode. However, we would now be included in the summer plan which would look at what was to happen in our area. Our MP has indicated that this will be installed towards the end of this year.


  • Internet scams

There was discussion about hoax calls from HMRC, Talk Talk and others and that these can be reported to BT on their website, as can scam emails – KB reported she had done this recently and the scam emails had she had been receiving had stopped. The police also suggested contacting the internet provider


  • Rural Crime

PCSO Nigel Wass highlighted ‘night hawking’ and urged people to be vigilant and take note of and report suspicious vehicles or activity

Poaching – The Chairman reported on a neighbour’s sign in the shape of a fox with fluorescent eyes that had been found with a bullet hole in it recently.

Shooting – The Chairman mentioned an incident he had been involved in at the end of the shooting season where he had been caught between beaters and guns on either side of the B1190. The police confirmed the investigation was still ongoing.


  • MC reported on an electric cable he had had investigated on the verge opposite his house which was passing through a tree. He was advised that the cable and others in the vicinity ideally ought to be buried and it would be looked into. When and if this happens MC will let the meeting know as it will involve closing the road. He is expecting to hear in the next couple of weeks what is happening.
  • DB raised his concerns about cyclists on the road and the dangers they pose, particularly coming into the better weather when we get lots of them riding through the villages. The police confirmed there was nothing they could do to prevent this happening.



Date of next meeting

The Chairman raised the requirement of meetings to take place twice a year, but in view of  people not being too keen to turn out in November wondered if just once a year would be sufficient. However if anyone meanwhile felt we should have a precept, a meeting would need to be held before then to give time to get all the necessary paperwork organised and we would need clarification on what the money could be spent on. KB queried  the amount involved and this depended on the number of households according to the Lincolnshire Association of Parish Councils, but a figure of around £3000 was suggested, split between everyone would be approximately £60 per household.


The police brought stickers for distribution re cold callers.


Meeting ended 7.40 p.m.